Weaving Triangles
Cut sticks to size and lash together with wool to make a triangular frame. Decorate the frame with a woven pattern of wool.
Building skills in tying sticks together and tying knots. Understanding basic weaving. Creating a decorative pattern of their own.
Exemplar weaving triangle. 3 thin sticks per child at 25cms length, different coloured wools, safety scissors, mini-hacksaws and log stumps or saw horse if children are to cut their own sticks. Tapestry needles.
- Cut the frame using. Issue a single stick cut to the correct length, one between two. Children are briefed to cut additional sticks to the same length until they have three sticks each. Remind group of safe practices in the use of the tools.
- Make the weaving triangle. Tie the sticks together into a triangle (see the picture). Use about 45cm length of wool, wrap it round tightly and tie a single reef knot. Check the triangle for rigidity when complete and re-tie if necessary. If the work is likely to take more than one session label at this point with names.
- Begin weaving. Explain warp and weft. String from one side of the frame to the other with the aim of keeping the warp in parallel strands.
- Demonstrate weaving. It is easier to weave the weft by threading the wool onto a tapestry needle. The wool should be wrapped a couple of times round the stick with each pass. Check that children pass the wool ‘over and under’ and reverse with each pass to achieve a true weave.
- Decoration. Consider adding sparkly pipe-cleaners or different coloured wools to the frame itself.
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